Enrico Pozzesi

Enrico's interest in the farming world began at an early age, when he would accompany his father on visits to Castellina and Rodano. 

His father Vittorio inherited his love of hunting from his father Carlo. Enrico hunted with his father, but was more interested in discovering the woodland, the vineyard and the countryside. 

His interest in Rodano grew to the point he decided to study Agriculture at university. He enthusiastically studied everything about arable farming, tree and shrub farming and winemaking. 

 He developed a love of wine and admiringly and devotedly followed the lessons by his teacher Giulio Gambelli, spending hours in his laboratory. 

He saw his first grape harvest in 1980, overseeing the winemaking and the entire production cycle. 

A hobby became a passion and he decided to move to Rodano to manage the company on a full-time basis. 

He lives in Rodano with his wife Stefania and their daughter Agnese Maria, who inherited her father's and grandfather's passion for this place.

I collaboratori di Enrico Pozzesi

"Nanni", the cellarman

The cellarman, "Nanni” also called "Giannino": he follows in the footsteps of the unforgettable Alfiero, known as "Pinzo", who for years looked after Rodano’s wine cellar. Alfiero was the happiest person we have ever known, "Nanni" couldn't be a better replacement. Anyone who ever came to our company would remember him and may have even received an invitation to lunch from him. He is one of Enrico's loyal collaborators, from whom he learned the secrets of his profession. He is the scholar of the company, having a Degree in Modern Literature. An excellent interpreter of the choices and concepts of how Rodano wine is made.

Ernest Thomann, the "Maestro"

The "Maestro", as he is known by the "People of Rodano", because he is older and has more expertise than the others. Ernest Thomann, born in South Africa, of Swiss origin, has spent his life in the fields, following organic companies and working based on the principles of this agriculture. Together with Enrico he oversees the farm and was given a teaching role in the fields. He comes to Rodano every day from Murlo where he lives with his family, his wife Betti and their four children.

Sphejtim, "Stefano"

Stefano, his real name is actually Sphejtim, is a native of Kosovo. A expert tractor driver with a passion for engines and the land. Now that his children are older, he has decided to enrol in a course in the Faculty of Agriculture.


Luigi began working at Rodano as a Geology student during the grape harvests. His affection for Rodano changed his mind and he left his native Calabria and moved to Rodano with his companion Mariangela and their daughter Francesca. He has collaborated with Enrico since 2004 and is now one of the locals.


Angelo has a passion for archaeology and zoology and breeds tropical fish and, in recent years, canaries, together with Enrico. He has hands of gold, he can fix or build just about anything. Even if he is very young, he holds a variety of roles. A cars enthusiast, he refused a job with Ferrari to work on our machinery!

Cheik and Abdul, from Senegal

We would be lost without Cheik and Abdul! Even though they have no ties to Rodano, they have integrated well and have been working in Rodano for 15 years. Their families are in Senegal and this work allows them to spend months at home each year with them. But in summer, they are indispensable! It's a pleasure to have them, with their ever-present smiles.

Rodano's "women"

The legendary Carla, a veteran of the grape harvest and pruning. When she's not in Rodano she misses the place. She loves her work so much she has passed her skills onto her youngest daughter, affectionately called "Gigia".

Luigina began working in Rodano when she was very young and stayed with us.

Mariangela, she has many talents but we love her cooking!

Sylvette, Stefano's wife, and Simona, chose to dedicate their lives to the countryside, having left the city due to their mix of passion and love for it.

Paolo Salvi, the wine expert

Our friend Paolo Salvi, the one who comes to Rodano to relax... but he is a wine expert by profession. When he arrives to "mix" the wine, a council is formed bringing together him, Enrico, Nanni and Ernesto, because teamwork is important. Paolo has worked for years with Gambelli and follows his teachings.

Enrico Pozzesi - Fattoria di Rodano